Monday, November 19, 2012

Something Awesome

Okay... I'm stumped. Awesome? What should my photo of the day be? So I do what every thinking person does these days. I turn to Google. I decide to look up the definition of awesome to maybe spark an idea. Here is what I found:
  1. Extremely impressive or daunting; inspiring great admiration, apprehension, or fear.
  2. Extremely good; excellent.
And then I had one of those A-HA! moments. It really didn't take very long. I immediately thought of one thing that can satisfy both parts of the definition - something daunting that inspires fear yet extremely good and excellent....


If you are a parent, I think you will agree with me. The job certainly inspires great fear. The fear for me began when I found out I was carrying a tiny life inside of me. This little developing person was 100% dependent upon me for its own survival. That's pretty scary. You start second guessing every decision you make. And that fear and second guessing never goes away. I feel helpless when they are sick and paralyzed when they go missing (even for just a short while). I feel like I have superpowers one minute but feel completely incompetent the next. Parenting is tough!

But it is also inspiring. I am inspired by my parenting friends. We lean on each other for advice. We comfort one another when we are at our wit's end. And we understand when the other needs a break. Becoming a parent has also inspired in me a great admiration towards my own parents. I have an all new respect for them now.

Becoming a parent is the most difficult yet most rewarding thing any person could ever be. It is extremely good and excellent. To be called Mom is truly something awesome.

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