I've added one more candle to my cake and enjoyed another trip around the sun. Today is my birthday.
Last year at this time, I composed
"40 things I've learned in 40 years." It was a lot of fun putting that list together. I spent a lot of time reflecting on my life and carefully composed each little pearl of wisdom. It's a wonderful list and really describes who I am as a person. I'm very proud of it. I posted one thought a day on Facebook during the 40 days leading up to my birthday. I looked forward to sharing each and every post.
When the list was finished, I searched for something new to focus on. As I have said before, I love and need a creative outlet. What would my next creative outlet be? Then I found the Photo a Day list by
Fat Mum Slim! I have always enjoyed taking pictures, and this was something creative I could do every day. I could learn how to use my camera better and capture moments in time that I probably wouldn't have captured otherwise. I will complete a full year of photo a day next month.
But back to the pearls of wisdom... I just reviewed the list and wondered if I might add one each year. Have I learned anything new this year? What has this trip around the sun taught me? Fortunately I have this blog and my photos as a reflection tool. It's my own personal timeline of photos and thoughts.
This past year I had two significant losses in my life, but many wonderful gains as well. It's been a year of surprises, laughter, tears, and joy. It's been a full year! And I'm happy to say, I've captured a moment each and every day. Wow... So this year's pearl of wisdom is this...
"Do something creative every day."
Whether it is writing, photography, painting, drawing, cooking, sewing, singing, dancing or ....arranging matches into the shape of a heart... do something creative.
41 matches for 41 years |
What?!? You don't think you are creative? Being creative is simply creating something original that defines who you are as a person. It could be anything! Find something you enjoy, that is personally meaningful to you, and go for it.
What strikes a fire in your heart? When you find it, I guarantee you'll know it, and you'll look forward to it every day.