Thursday, May 23, 2019

To My Son Before You Graduate High School

Hey Little B,

My goodness you're not so little any more. In fact, you've been towering over me for a while now. That's been a constant reminder that you're growing up and will be leaving the nest soon.

Wait.. Soon?? The time is now! High school is over. The next step in your journey is a moment away. I only have a few short weeks to throw more advice at you before you leave for college. So pay attention because this is genius level advice.  : )

1. Credit cards can make you an automatic liar. Yes, they can be devious little things! I want you to remember that credit is a tool that can either build or destroy - it all depends on how you use it. When you use a credit card, you are promising to pay someone later for something you receive today. Pay it off each month. Don't let a credit card fool you into thinking you have more money than you actually have. It's not free money.

2. Don't be afraid to ask for help. You are fiercely independent, which will take you far in life, but don't be afraid to ask for help. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. Successful people know where to find help in order to reach their goals. And when you ask for help, you are allowing someone else to be helpful. Everybody wins when you ask for help.

3. Listen first. Talk later. People will come into your life who are there to teach you life's lessons. Listen to them. Learn from them. You don't necessarily have to agree with them, but please listen.

4. Be responsible. You are now responsible for you. You've always been responsible for your own actions and decisions, but it will feel different when you're on your own. Your dad and I won't be around forcing you to go to class. Your teachers aren't going to pester you to turn in your homework. Bills don't pay themselves. You will need to learn to balance your time and your work on your own. Take responsibility for yourself, your life and your well-being.

5. Call your mother! Or at least text me... especially on the days when we can't watch the Chiefs together. And answer my texts and calls in a timely manner. You know I'll worry if you don't. Being your mother has been the greatest joy in my life and the most important thing I'll ever do. I'm so blessed to be your mom.

And I want you to know that in a way, I feel like I'm graduating too. I'm entering a new phase of my life which is both terrifying and freeing all at the same time. It's a strange mix of emotions. But I am so very proud of you and tomorrow we will celebrate you and your future. Let's enjoy the ride!!!

Love you,

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