Friday, December 20, 2019

My One Word for 2020

Back in July, I wrote this post about finding and focusing on one word rather than making a New Year's resolution. It's the best thing ever! The whole process of finding and choosing one word to focus on has been a life changer for me. So I'm very excited to share with you how this year went AND what my one word is for 2020.

My One Word for 2019 has been "purpose". Two major changes occurred in my life in 2018. First, after 20 years in financial aid, I changed careers to fundraising. And secondly, my first born began his senior year of high school (emotional post here), which meant he would be leaving the nest soon. So yeah... These two significant changes had me really questioning my purpose. Like a lot! So I decided to make "purpose" my one word and apply it to every aspect of my life. In doing so, I found a more profound purpose at work. I redefined my purpose as a mother. I also focused on finding a deeper purpose in my relationships. So much good stuff, people!

Now as we are nearing the end of the year, I start reflecting back on the previous 12 months. I like to review how I've grown, see what I've learned, and determine what I can improve upon #perfectionist. This year I added another step and thought about how my one word has positively impacted my life.  
  • At work as a fundraiser, my purpose is to provide opportunities to donors to make a difference and bring meaning to their lives. Facilitating this work is extremely satisfying.
  • At home, my purpose as a mother is to raise my children and then let them go. Ugh! This has been difficult to come to terms with because my children are my life. They have consumed every minute of every hour for over 18 years. Parents, change is hard. But I am slowly learning that this next phase is exciting as well. I love watching them succeed and supporting them on their journey. They really make me want to be a better person.
  • As a wife / family member / friend, my purpose is to celebrate successes and provide comfort when needed. As an introvert, it's hard for me to share my feelings with others and open up. This is something I need to keep working on.
  • I also found purpose as a volunteer in my church serving in the third grade room. What seemed like work in the beginning is now something I really look forward to. I am beginning to see a new purpose in my life that I didn't see before.
I mean, wow! Focusing on one word is so much more powerful than completing a new year's resolution! Finding my purpose and fully understanding my "why" has been an incredible journey. And when I am focusing and living out my purpose, I am so much happier! Which brings me to my one word for 2020...

My one word for 2020: JOY

I have really struggled lately with being present. I'm always over-thinking about the past or dreaming / worrying about the future. I feel like I have missed so many moments by not being present. I have really lost that part of me and want to get it back. Focusing on JOY invites me to be still and live in the moment once again. Now that I feel satisfied with knowing my purpose, I want to look back on 2020 and see that my life was joyful. I want to find the joy in all circumstances and bring joy to others. Just thinking of the possibilities with JOY as my one word brings me so much peace and makes me smile.

Here's to a joyful 2020!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

One Word

Have you ever created a new year's resolution?

Did you stick with it?

If you answered yes and then NO, then I have good news for you. What if I told you how to simplify your resolution into just ONE WORD.

That's what I did this year after learning about Jon Gordon's One Word  on Twitter. I love setting goals for myself but found myself struggling to follow through with a new year's resolution. Maybe it was because I was trying to focus on too many things, or maybe I was focusing on the wrong things. One Word seemed simple, almost too simple, but I gave it a try.

I followed Jon Gordon's action plan to create my One Word for the year. The process required deep reflection and lots of prayer. You don't choose your word; your word chooses you. I will admit that my One Word did not come to me immediately, nor did I expect it to. It took several days before it became obvious what my One Word should be. 

My One Word appeared to me in a favorite Bible verse:

"God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." Romans 8:28

Living with meaning and purpose is essential to my being. But last year I began struggling with my purpose and questioning every decision that I made. So I began searching for a word that would inspire and motivate me. Then I realized what I really needed to do was stop trying to change who I was tired of being and focus on who I wanted to become.

My One Word for 2019:   PURPOSE

As soon as I decided on my word and declared it on social media, it was amazing how many times "purpose" showed up in my devotionals and my every day reading! I then started seeking out additional Bible verses that talked about purpose. I searched and found books and blogs that talked about purpose. And now, almost 7 months later, I have several journal pages about living a purposeful life that I can refer back to in order to keep focused and mindful.

So this is my mid-point of the year check-in on my One Word: Purpose!! Focusing on One Word has made a huge impact on my life. I'm excited to see where I will be at the end of the year. And I look forward to choosing a new word for 2020.

Will you join me?

Thursday, May 23, 2019

To My Son Before You Graduate High School

Hey Little B,

My goodness you're not so little any more. In fact, you've been towering over me for a while now. That's been a constant reminder that you're growing up and will be leaving the nest soon.

Wait.. Soon?? The time is now! High school is over. The next step in your journey is a moment away. I only have a few short weeks to throw more advice at you before you leave for college. So pay attention because this is genius level advice.  : )

1. Credit cards can make you an automatic liar. Yes, they can be devious little things! I want you to remember that credit is a tool that can either build or destroy - it all depends on how you use it. When you use a credit card, you are promising to pay someone later for something you receive today. Pay it off each month. Don't let a credit card fool you into thinking you have more money than you actually have. It's not free money.

2. Don't be afraid to ask for help. You are fiercely independent, which will take you far in life, but don't be afraid to ask for help. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. Successful people know where to find help in order to reach their goals. And when you ask for help, you are allowing someone else to be helpful. Everybody wins when you ask for help.

3. Listen first. Talk later. People will come into your life who are there to teach you life's lessons. Listen to them. Learn from them. You don't necessarily have to agree with them, but please listen.

4. Be responsible. You are now responsible for you. You've always been responsible for your own actions and decisions, but it will feel different when you're on your own. Your dad and I won't be around forcing you to go to class. Your teachers aren't going to pester you to turn in your homework. Bills don't pay themselves. You will need to learn to balance your time and your work on your own. Take responsibility for yourself, your life and your well-being.

5. Call your mother! Or at least text me... especially on the days when we can't watch the Chiefs together. And answer my texts and calls in a timely manner. You know I'll worry if you don't. Being your mother has been the greatest joy in my life and the most important thing I'll ever do. I'm so blessed to be your mom.

And I want you to know that in a way, I feel like I'm graduating too. I'm entering a new phase of my life which is both terrifying and freeing all at the same time. It's a strange mix of emotions. But I am so very proud of you and tomorrow we will celebrate you and your future. Let's enjoy the ride!!!

Love you,

Monday, April 29, 2019

FASTer Way Update - Next Round Begins May 6!

Four more weeks complete! I finished my first FASTer round on March 31st and jumped right into the VIP program on April 1. I signed up for VIP to graduate to the next level. In VIP, you receive more in depth resources and training that teach you the nutrition part of the program. I also wanted to focus on doing the at home workouts in order to tone up.

Here are my progress photos!

As you can see I'm wearing a different suit. The black and white one is a size large and no longer fits!! I'm wearing a small in the newest photo. The photo angle is slightly different, but you can still see my progress! I lost another half inch from my waist and an inch from my hips. My legs are seeing more definition, and I'm definitely getting stronger. My progress hasn't been as dramatic as the first, but that's to be expected.

I really feel like I've adapted my life to this way of eating and exercising. The program emphasizes progress over perfection, which I'm so grateful for! There were many times this past month, especially while traveling for my job, when I didn't track my macros because I knew they were going to be way off. And that's okay. I got right back on track the following day.

Is this a sustainable program? YES!!!!!! Friends, I feel incredible. The nutrition makes total sense and it's becoming second nature. The only moments when I "mess up" is when I make a conscious decision to go off track (like an extra glass of wine). Planning ahead guarantees success, but sometimes you can't always plan ahead.

The next round begins May 6! If this post has inspired you to try this amazing program, I would be beyond grateful if you signed up through my link.

Sign up for the FASTer Way to Fat Loss!!!

Friday, April 19, 2019

Eating the FASTer Way

Hello, Friends!

I'm so excited that y'all are interested in learning more about the FASTer Way To Fat Loss! I have been on the program 9 weeks, and I'm still seeing results. I think this is the healthiest I've ever felt (at least in a very long time). I wore a pair of jeans today that I thought would work fine, but by the end of the day... they are just too big for me.... it's a good problem to have!

This post is going to focus on the most popular question... what do you EAT?!? And in fact, if you sign up for the program with my link, I will give you my food diary for FREE. No need to reach out and contact me for it. After you sign up, I will receive your email address and will send it to you when your round begins. Use this link to sign up....

For now, I'll give you a basic breakdown of the way we eat on the program. 

What is Macro Tracking?

The program recommends downloading My Fitness Pal to track your macros. What are macros? This stands for macronutrients - i.e. proteins, carbohydrates and fats. These are the building blocks of food! The program explains how to set your macro ratios to meet your specific needs and goals. Typically, we start at 50% carbs, 20% protein, and 30% fat. My Fitness Pal makes it super easy to log your food and count your grams. We focus on the gram totals and less on the calories. If you just count calories and eat clean, you may be overeating on carbs or undereating on fats. So count your macros, friends!

We also focus on whole food nutrition. The program saying is "if it had a mother or can be grown, it is a whole food." Whole foods have more micronutrients - these include vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other bioactive compounds that are good for you. And whole foods are generally higher in fiber which keeps you feeling full. It's also great for your digestive system. Now, I do eat peanut butter and salad dressing... But in very small quantities. 

Here's a sample food log from me:

Break - my - fast:  overnight oats with almond milk, raisins, and a pinch of cinnamon
Lunch: salad with chickpeas, carrots, peas, hard boiled egg, salmon, walnuts and vinaigrette dressing
Snack: apple with peanut butter
Dinner: grilled chicken, brown/wild rice, steamed broccoli

I'll fill in missing carbs with fruit, missing fats with olives or avocado, or missing protein with hard boiled eggs or jerky. It takes a little while to figure out the right food combinations, but now it's getting to be second nature. Progress over perfection!!

The next round begins May 6.  Please comment with any questions you have!!

Thursday, April 4, 2019

FASTer Way Q & A

Hi, friends! I want to thank everyone for reading my post about my FASTer Way To Fat Loss results and for your super kind words. You guys are awesome! I've also been getting a LOT of questions about the program, so I'll do my best to answer them here. PLEASE click the below link to learn more!

What is intermittent fasting?

This is really the foundation of the program because it turns your body into a FAT burner. Your body is always in one of two states: fed or fasting. In the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we fast for 16 hours (mostly when you're sleeping!) and feed for 8 hours. And we eat a LOT. When you fast you are allowing your body to tap into your fat stores for energy. It also allows you to maintain muscle mass, thus speeding up your metabolic rate, and burn more fat. If you want to learn more, I found this very helpful article

It took my body about 2 weeks to adjust because hey, it was used to being fed all day! Now I don't even think about it. I'm not hungry until about 11:30 AM or sometimes later! It honestly was one of the hardest parts of the program to start, but now I find that it's one of my most favorite parts. I love the extra time in the morning to enjoy a cup of coffee and do my workout. If you've tried this on your own and struggled, I feel ya! I tried intermittent fasting before registering for the program and it DID NOT WORK. I felt sluggish and tired because I didn't know how to properly fuel my body in order to make it through a 16 hour fast. So if you've tried this on your own with little success, this program is for you!

What is carb cycling?

This program is NOT a low carb diet. Cycling your carbohydrate intake prevents a fat loss plateau and keeps your metabolism going. This program has two consecutive low carb days, and then the rest of the week, you eat ALL the carbs. You can even have a donut if you desire that (or wine!). 

If you've been trying to carb cycle on your own and haven't been seeing results, then TRY THIS PROGRAM! The workouts are strategically paired on low carb and regular carb days to optimize results.

Okay, so how much does it cost?

The cost of the SEVEN week program (I'm counting the prep week plus the 6 week program) is $199. That probably sounds like a large investment, but I seriously have NO REGRETS. That's $28 per week.  Only $4 per day (less than a latte at Starbucks!) And honestly, how much would you pay for a gym membership? How much is it worth to you to feel better, sleep more soundly, and have WAY more energy!?! And the results are REAL if you trust the process. Do it for YOU!

For a $199 investment, you will learn how to do this lifestyle for a lifetime
  • You will learn incredible information through the small groups and training sessions that you can't get from the website. 
  • You'll have access to an exercise library and learn how to do the workouts strategically with the nutrition plan. 
  • You will learn how to listen to your body because everyone responds differently. My journey will not be your journey.
Seven weeks can transform your life! These are MY results seven weeks apart. And I'm still losing inches. I'm continuing this lifestyle and will keep posting my before and after photos.

So what are you waiting for? The next round begins April 8. SIGN UP TODAY! 

Monday, April 1, 2019

My FASTer Way Review and Results

Yesterday I completed my first round of FASTer Way To Fat Loss® (FWTFL). I am so EXCITED to share my results with you!

This nutrition and fitness program is six weeks in length that combines intermittent fasting, carb cycling, macro counting, and strategically paired workouts to optimize results. If that all sounds confusing, stay with me! I'll explain it all in my posts.

My Reason Why

First I want to explain my motivation for starting this program because every new journey begins with a reason why. My main reason was finding a program that was sustainable. I have tried many different fitness programs over the years... which brought me results... but I never found myself staying with it. I either felt too hungry or I worked out too much to the point of injury. Working out wasn't fun, I had zero energy, and I never looked forward to it.

Then I started hearing more about the FASTer Way to Fat Loss on Instagram and a couple of fashion blogs that I follow. I was so impressed by the results that I was seeing that I had to try it. I delayed until I was sure that I could do this and stick with it for the full 6 weeks. Also, it seemed a little pricey, but actually the cost averages out to be a little over $4 per day. I knew that if I invested not only my time but also my money that I would stick with it.

My secondary reason was complete vanity! I mean, we all want to look good and feel confident right?!? My clothes were fitting too snug, and I just felt sluggish. Also, we planned a spring break family vacation to Florida for the end of March, and I couldn't fit into any of my shorts! Big problem! If I signed up for the February 11th round, I knew it would end in time for my vacation. Perfect! So I pulled the trigger and signed up.

What I didn't know is that they include a one week prep week to orient you to the program. So week 6 was actually last week during our vacation. I was a little nervous about that, but I am very happy to report that this is a completely sustainable lifestyle even while on vacation. I had a very guilt-free vacation and wore my shorts with confidence. Hallelujah!

My Results After 6-Weeks

February 11 - April 1

After my first 6-week round, I lost 17 inches overall: 5 inches around my natural waist, 4 inches just below my belly button and 1.5 inches off my hips. My bust, arms and thighs all lost inches as well. I went from a tight size 8 to a loose size 6. And this was with minimal work outs - on average 3-4 days per week. That's it! I ate more food and worked out less than on any other program that I have tried. And I still got these results after a week of vacation with wine and beer. This program WORKS!

Are you curious about how much weight I lost? Notice I really didn't focus on that number. This program emphasizes FAT loss, not weight loss. This program super encourages you to NOT step on the scale. Muscle weighs more than fat. So as you are adding lean muscle and losing fat, the number on the scale may not budge much. I have to admit, that was the hardest part. And I realized how addicted I had become to a number on a scale. Having said all that, I was curious about my weight loss and weighed myself this morning.... 9.5 pounds lost.

What I love about FWTFL

Small group accountability - you will be placed into a small group on Facebook where you will post your macros and receive incredible motivation and encouragement from your personal coaches. The coaches are certified through the program and are very knowledgeable. The daily accountability was very helpful for me.

Intermittent Fasting - this program emphasizes a small eating window of 8 hours. Don't worry, you will EAT on this program. We fast for 16 hours (usually 8 pm through noon) and eat for 8 hours (usually noon to 8 pm). My eating window is usually 11 am to 7 pm as it fits better with my schedule. I actually love the extra time in the morning. If you love breakfast foods, then you can certainly eat them when you "break your fast" at noon.

The SCIENCE behind the program - this was huge for me because I'm a nerd like that! I really wanted to know why carb cycling and intermittent fasting works so well. This program will explain it all to you.

The Unseen Results

I agree the physical transformation is awesome and certainly motivation to keep going. But I want to share some results that are unseen, what the program calls "non-scale victories"!

No more brain fog! I can think clearly now the brain fog's gone. My recall and memory are better. I no longer rely on coffee to wake me up in the morning. It's like a thick cloud has been lifted. I have so much more energy! I actually look forward to working out. I know this is a result of better food choices (real food nutrition) with this program.

Better sleep! I have been getting 7 hours or more of sleep consistently since week 3 of this program. That is huge! I don't wake up as often and sleep soundly.

No more sugar cravings! I had a bad sweet tooth, always craving chocolate or candy. I couldn't drink coffee without dumping a bunch of sugary stuff in it. I can't tell you the last time I had a piece of chocolate. I just don't want it any more. Fruit is sweet enough, friends. And a good cup of black coffee totally rocks. But if you want to indulge in a treat now and then, this program will totally let you.

Ready to Sign up?

If you are looking to jump start your fat loss or just simply want to improve your overall health, then this program is for YOU! There are plenty of clients who focus solely on the nutrition aspects of the program and see fantastic results. I have joined the VIP Program as I still have some fat to lose, and I want to focus on getting stronger and more physically fit. After you've completed a 6-week program, you can sign up for VIP.

I love this program SO MUCH that I agreed to become an affiliate for the program. I can earn a referral fee if you sign up through the program link in this post. If you are inspired by this post or future posts, I would be so grateful if you signed up through my referral link. Thank you!

Friday, March 22, 2019

Exciting News!

Hey y'all!

After a short break from blogging, I have some very exciting news to share with you. But first a little background story...

Maybe you are like me? You like fitness (or you are fit-like). You enjoy being healthy (or try to be). But you have a hard time sticking to a program. Am I right?!? Or maybe you've hit a weight-loss plateau. Because, you know, there's wine, cheese, and WINTER! Ugh, winter.... I just want to wear yoga pants, sweatshirts, and be under a blanket all day! And I'm pretty sure I did that all winter long. Again.. UGH!

If you can relate, then listen up!

I heard about this program from a couple of fashion blogs that I follow (shout out to Putting Me Together and Cyndi Spivey). I was seriously intrigued but seriously skeptical also. What intrigued me was the "no scale victories" mentality, carb cycling and intermittent fasting. What made me skeptical was the carb cycling and intermittent fasting! What the WHAT??? But still I watched their progress, did my research, and waited.

The waiting ended on February 2nd when I took a leap of faith and signed up. Nearly 7 weeks later, the FASTer Way to Fat Loss ® program is so much more than a program. It is becoming a lifestyle for me. This is not a quick fix program, my dear readers. This program is a game changer. It's backed by science (very important to me!) and teaches women (and men) how to live a healthy lifestyle. You will learn proper nutrition with REAL food. No shakes, drinks, or supplements required. You will do effective and strategic workouts. And you will REST! I've never slept better, felt better, or had more energy.

I have one more week to complete this "round" and then I will share my before and after photos with you. I can't wait for you to see them!

This post is not sponsored by FWTFL, I purchased the program myself. However, I can earn a referral fee if you sign up through the program link that I posted above. If you are inspired by this post or future posts, I would be so grateful if you signed up through my referral link. Thank you!


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