Thursday, April 4, 2019

FASTer Way Q & A

Hi, friends! I want to thank everyone for reading my post about my FASTer Way To Fat Loss results and for your super kind words. You guys are awesome! I've also been getting a LOT of questions about the program, so I'll do my best to answer them here. PLEASE click the below link to learn more!

What is intermittent fasting?

This is really the foundation of the program because it turns your body into a FAT burner. Your body is always in one of two states: fed or fasting. In the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we fast for 16 hours (mostly when you're sleeping!) and feed for 8 hours. And we eat a LOT. When you fast you are allowing your body to tap into your fat stores for energy. It also allows you to maintain muscle mass, thus speeding up your metabolic rate, and burn more fat. If you want to learn more, I found this very helpful article

It took my body about 2 weeks to adjust because hey, it was used to being fed all day! Now I don't even think about it. I'm not hungry until about 11:30 AM or sometimes later! It honestly was one of the hardest parts of the program to start, but now I find that it's one of my most favorite parts. I love the extra time in the morning to enjoy a cup of coffee and do my workout. If you've tried this on your own and struggled, I feel ya! I tried intermittent fasting before registering for the program and it DID NOT WORK. I felt sluggish and tired because I didn't know how to properly fuel my body in order to make it through a 16 hour fast. So if you've tried this on your own with little success, this program is for you!

What is carb cycling?

This program is NOT a low carb diet. Cycling your carbohydrate intake prevents a fat loss plateau and keeps your metabolism going. This program has two consecutive low carb days, and then the rest of the week, you eat ALL the carbs. You can even have a donut if you desire that (or wine!). 

If you've been trying to carb cycle on your own and haven't been seeing results, then TRY THIS PROGRAM! The workouts are strategically paired on low carb and regular carb days to optimize results.

Okay, so how much does it cost?

The cost of the SEVEN week program (I'm counting the prep week plus the 6 week program) is $199. That probably sounds like a large investment, but I seriously have NO REGRETS. That's $28 per week.  Only $4 per day (less than a latte at Starbucks!) And honestly, how much would you pay for a gym membership? How much is it worth to you to feel better, sleep more soundly, and have WAY more energy!?! And the results are REAL if you trust the process. Do it for YOU!

For a $199 investment, you will learn how to do this lifestyle for a lifetime
  • You will learn incredible information through the small groups and training sessions that you can't get from the website. 
  • You'll have access to an exercise library and learn how to do the workouts strategically with the nutrition plan. 
  • You will learn how to listen to your body because everyone responds differently. My journey will not be your journey.
Seven weeks can transform your life! These are MY results seven weeks apart. And I'm still losing inches. I'm continuing this lifestyle and will keep posting my before and after photos.

So what are you waiting for? The next round begins April 8. SIGN UP TODAY! 

1 comment:

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