Friday, June 14, 2013

Three Hundred Sixty Five

I began Photo a Day on June 15, 2012. I have posted or taken a photo each day every day for one whole year. ONE YEAR!

This journey (and it has been a journey) has been a total BLAST. If it hadn't been this fun, I truthfully would have dropped it a long time ago. But I kept with it for many reasons...
  1. I have met some great friends along the way. PAD Group, I'm talking to YOU!
  2. It has become a habit - part of my every day life. It's usually one of the first things I think about when I wake up in the morning (much to the dismay of my family), and I constantly talk about it. I think they have enjoyed it too between the moans and groans.
  3. I have really, really improved my photography skills. I had no idea that I could actually be kinda good at this.
  4. And I now view the world in a whole new way - everything is a possible prompt. Everything! From buttons to where you shop, you can photograph anything and make it look interesting. That is both a little exhilarating and scary at the same time.
Now it's time for another summary!  At the end of 2012, I posted my favorites from June through December, so here are some of my favorites from January until now. It was really hard to narrow it down to just these few!

January 18: Shadow - the shadow on the barn is still an absolute favorite photo of mine. It also says a lot about me and my likes - black and white, country, barns...

January 27: Sun - I love the Big Bur Oak and love this photo of it. I took several on this day.

January 31: Yourself - I had some fun with my app Color Splash (and my eyes really are that color).

February 16: Perfect - I had red in every photo for this month. Now THAT was a challenge. I had to continually think of ways to incorporate the red into each subject. The summary for the month looks really cool.

February 26: Quiet - the snow was SO beautiful, and it was really quiet outside.

March 3: Key - music is the key to my heart.

March 15: Explore - a very rare warm day in the month of March, so Krista and I went exploring at Rock Bridge Park.

March 24: Up - Yes, still March. The snow kept piling up!!! An empty long neck bottle made a good ruler.

April 1: Blue - Table Rock Lake never looked so good. We spent Spring Break in Branson.

April 9: Tiny - tiny little Polly Pocket shoes in front of my own for effect. One of the few photos I took with a "real" camera. Most of my photos are taken with my phone.

April 14: Water - I LOVE this photo. Probably my favorite of them all. April was a good month.

May 16: Mailbox - showing my country roots here. I love the sky in black and white.

May 28: What I'm doing Now - my birthday. This blog post talks about my photo journey and is still a popular one.

June 2: A Moment - I used my mantra for this photo "Live in the moment before the moment becomes a memory." Dandelions are the prettiest weed on the planet.

June 5: Environment - my country roots are showing again. Landscapes are my absolute favorite thing to photograph.

So there you have it! That's my year in pictures. I will finish out the month of June here because I didn't start blogging about my photos until July. You know, I must say that I am absolutely thrilled and very proud of myself for sticking with a creative project for a whole year. That was the goal when I started, and I accomplished it.

It's been a really great year. And I have the pictures to prove it.

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