Monday, March 25, 2013

03.25.13 In My Drawer

First I had to decide which drawer I would open and actually photograph for the world to see. I finally decided the bathroom drawer would be pretty safe.

There is MAGIC in this drawer. It is full of my wonderful beauty products that keep me looking young. Mary Kay has been a favorite of mine since I was old enough to wear make-up. My grandma taught me all about it and bought me my first set. I use it every morning and night. I remember she would refer to putting on make-up as "putting on her face." I understand the meaning behind that more and more the older I become.

And yes, I know what you are thinking. The drawer is pretty well organized, but that's who I am. I need to find things quickly in the morning. I'm not a morning person and am usually in a rush. So organization is key to getting me out of the door. Everything has its place in the drawer.

Here is another fun photo for the day. My colorful hair bands are also in this drawer (until my daughter runs off with them....)

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